Pickup Location


About the Toronto Pickleball Club

The Toronto Pickleball Club connects competitive and recreational players of similar skill and gender to play together via email or chat. The league has its own ranking points system using the ELO rating method, as well as a calendar year Champion's Race (based on tournament results) and an annual Super Cup tournament featuring the top ranked and top Champion's Race finishing players. The Toronto Pickleball Club is free to join, and offers membership to adults only at this time. A long term goal is to build enough support for pickleball through our membership to pursuade the City of Toronto to build public pickleball courts and an official club location.

Players can join the Toronto Pickleball Club by completing the membership request email found in the Membership and Contact page. Players indicate their age, gender and skill level so that they can be assigned to play with similar players in their skill range. Currently, men and women play together, but as the club grows in membership there will mens and womens rankings and tournaments as well.

Tournaments work by having players meet and play matches on their own, and then reporting the match results to the club aministrators. Tournaments are intended to be completed within two weeks, and if players cannot complete their matches within two weeks, a default victory will be given to the player who can continue his or her commitment in the tournament. Although the goal is to have tournament matches completed in short period of time, tournaments may take several days or weeks for rounds and matches may take a few weeks to be completed. Players who fail to show for a match must communicate with their opponents and failure to do so can result in a default loss for the no-show players or a rescheduled match at the discretion of the committed players. Each match consists of a ranking change and the winner gains points towards the Champion's Race as they progress through the tournament ladder.

Currently the Toronto Pickleball Club points system only conecntrates on singles match play but there is intent to expnd to doubles play in the near future. Players who wish to play doubles are free to do so but their scores and points will not affect their ranking and Champion's Race positions.

We are very excited for this new club and for our members to enjoy and connect over the game of pickleball. Remember to keep it light and friendly. The player standings are only for fun. Happy playing!

To join for free as a member, visit our Membership and Contact page.